Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

French Community

Participants : Patrick Amar, Jérôme Azé, Julie Bernauer, Sarah Cohen-Boulakia, Alain Denise, Christine Froidevaux, Sabine Pérès, Yann Ponty, Mireille Régnier, Jean-Marc Steyaert.

The whole team is involved in GDR-Bim (Molecular Bioinformatics, http://www.gdr-bim.u-psud.fr/ ). J. Azé is the webmaster. A. Denise is a member of the Scientific Committee. Y. Ponty is animator of the Structure et interactions des macromolécules scientific axis. C. Froidevaux and S. Cohen-Boulakia participate to the subdomain Knowledge Representation, Ontologies, Data Integration and Grids.

A. Denise, Y. Ponty and M. Régnier participate into the subdomain Sequence Analysis and to Comatege subgroup of GDR- Im (Informatique Mathématique, http://www.gdr-im.fr/ )

A. Denise, Y. Ponty, J.-M. Steyaert, and M. Régnier are involved in the Alea working group (http://igm.univ-mlv.fr/~nicaud/webalea/ of the GDR-Im (Informatique Mathématique, http://www.gdr-im.fr/ ).

Seminars and visits

Amib seminars

We received in our weekly seminar: D. Saakian (A. Sinica, Taiwan), V. Reinharz (McGill), L. Tchertanov (ENS Cachan), H. Babou (Nantes), P. Ballarini (Ecp ), Nicolas Ferey (Limsi ), Van Du TRAN Thong (Igm ), Ulf Leser (Humboldt U.), A. Zinoviev (Institut Curie, Paris), H.K. Hwang (Taipeh U.).

Other seminars

J. Bernauer presented her works at International Conference on Biomolecular Dynamics: Experiment Meet Computation, KAUST, Saudi Arabia.

R. Fonseca gave a talk at the Inria@SiliconValley Workshop Bis2013 in May in Stanford.

D. Iakovishina gave two talks at Institut Curie : at the weekly seminar of NGSand during the “Structural variants day” in december 2013.

International exchanges

J. Bernauer visited H. van den Bedem at SSRL (Slac ) and M. Levitt at Stanford University (USA). She visited the Huang group at Hkust (Hong-Kong).

M. Régnier and D. Iakovishina visited IoGene (Moscow).

Program Committee

P. Amar was a member of the steering committee and chair of the organizing committee for aSSB workshop, advances in Systems and Synthetic Biology, Nice (2013).

J. Bernauer was a member of ICBD 2013 program committee.

S. Cohen-Boulakia was member of the DILS 2013 , SWEET 2013 and BDA 2013 program committees and she is member of the editorial board of the Journal on Data Semantics.

Ch. Froidevaux is a member of the editorial board of 1024, Bulletin de la Société Informatique de France, SIF.

Y. Ponty, M. Régnier, and J.-M. Steyaert served as PC members for Bicob 2013 (5th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Honolulu, USA).

Y. Ponty served as PC member for Ismb/Eccb 2013 (21st International conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology/12th European Conference on Computational Biology).

M. Régnier co-organized Mccmb'13 http://mccmb.belozersky.msu.ru/2013/ .

F. d'Alché-Buc, Ch. Froidevaux and Y. Ponty were members of Jobim 2013 program committee.

J. Bernauer organized Iamb workshop (Integrative Approaches for Modeling Biomolecular Complexes) in Nice in collaboration with McGill University (Canada) and Nice University.

A one day meeting on Cancer and Metabolism was organized at Lix by J.-M. Steyaert on October 4th.

Research administration

  • J. Bernauer is member of the IDEX Paris - Saclay Groupe de travail Sciences du Vivant.

  • J. Bernauer and C. Froidevaux are member of the Comité de Pilotage of the IDEX Paris - Saclay Institut transverse de Modélisation des Sciences du Vivant.

  • A. Denise is a member of the Scientific Commission of the Inria-Saclay research center. He is deputy director of the computer science department at University Paris-Sud. He is member of the Academic Senate of the Paris-Saclay University.

  • Ch. Froidevaux is the head of the Bioinfo group at Lri . She was a member of a hiring committee for a Full Professor position at Polytech Paris Sud, Orsay.

  • Y. Ponty is an elected member of the Comité national du CNRS (6th section – Foundations of Computer Science and CID 51 –Bioinformatics).

  • M. Régnier is a deputy-member of Digiteo program committee.

  • J.-M.Steyaert is a member of the Board of Administrators of Polytechnique.

  • J.-M. Steyaert has contributed to the organization of a workshop in July 2013 to present currently running projects between AP-HP and Polytechnique. He serves in the selection committee of a MD from HP-HP for a yearly funded research position in the Polytechnique Research Center.